Genre:SEO & Copyrighting
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If there was one skill that could make any business owner or marketer make more money, both online and offline, it would for sure be copywriting. Think about… there is NO shortage of stuff to sell. That’s the easy part.
The hard part has been and always will be, selling stuff. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Learning even the simple copy skills could improve sales and improve conversions. Plus there are many simple copy tweaks that can be implemented by anyone that could make more money. It isn’t rocket science.
Copywriting Expert Ebook Intro:
Learn All The Known Tactics About Copywriting
Copywriting is one of the most important parts of internet marketing.
Once you get visitors to your site, you must depend largely on your sales copy to convert the visitors into customers.
Sadly, many webmasters neglect the art of web copywriting.
Copywriting truly is an art, but have a checklist of important points is also helpful. Here are some of the major components of good web copywriting.
Copywriting Expert Ebook Contents:
“Must Know” Copywriting Secrets that Guarantee Success
There are basically 2 kinds of buyers.
A Novice Guide to Become an Effective Content Writer
Basic Web Copywriting Checklist
Business to Business Copywriting Secrets
Copy Makeovers Made Easy
Copywriting 101: How to Get Your Customers to Take Action
Creativity Resources
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- ISBN-10:
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